Saturday, August 25, 2012

Keeping Up With the Joneses! | Muncie, Noblesville, Indiana Portrait and Family Photography

I don't think I've ever posted this many photos from a portrait session.

Come to think of it, I'm pretty sure I've never actually even delivered as many photos to a client as I'm about to deliver to this family, but I absolutely can't help myself. There was no narrowing down my favorites. It just wasn't going to happen.

They're cute. Their kids are cute. Everyone. Is cute.

Little Jazzie?

Yeah. Off the cute-meter.

Oh, and dare I forget to mention that her mom made ALL her clothes with the exception of her shoes. Mom even made her own awesome chevron patterned skirt.

In fact, you can see more of her awesome creations here: Jazzy Girl Boutique!

For now, let's meet Tamara and Doug and their three amazingly well-behaved and very silly, very sweet children: Jazlyn (5), Brandt (10, going on 11) and Austin (15) whose name, of course, I could never forget as it's also my husband's name and the name of the capital the very best state in the union. ;)

Tamara wrote to me a little about each of her children, dubbing Austin as "the best kid ever" and Jazzy as her "photo diva." Pretty much true, completely.

*sigh* - how he looks at her!

This child. This. Child.

That's going up at someone's wedding someday, I'm sure.

When these people tell you that "marriage is hard work," you just don't believe them. Sorry! Too sweet.

Love finding soft light like this.

I think he channels a little Joseph Gordon-Levitt!

My own daughter will attest to this - there is nothing like Daddy.

First time taking pictures in downtown Muncie in a while!

*melt* ... so pretty.

This. This needs to be on a canvas.

Brandt is *hilarious!*

Get ready, because there are a zillion of these...

Totally genuine...

Mothers and sons are so beautiful.

See? Joseph Gordon-Levitt again.

Oh, silly big brother.

Best pals! Makes me wish I hadn't grown up an only child!

She loves them.

And suffice it to say, they also love her very much!

Getting them to smile for me wasn't hard at all. Tamara says, "I didn't feed them before we got here so they know that if they're good, we'll go out to dinner after."

Most of the smiles were brought on by listing off varying restaurant possibilities. :)

Works for me, though, too!

Thanks for spending your evening with me!


  1. These are so amazing! Thanks so much! I can't wait to get them. I'll be browsing through these samples several times until then :)

    1. Awesome! I can't wait for you to get the disc (or flash drive, whatever it ends up being this time around, haha.) There are lots!

  2. They are all so good! Melissa,you are very talented :)
    Tamera has a beautiful family too.
    One of these will be seeing the Pratt Party of 5..hehe.
