Saturday, January 22, 2011

A Buck Baby Bump | Muncie, IN Maternity Photographer

It is always such a good feeling to close Photoshop for the night knowing that you're all caught up, and it's time to post some fresh new images that are bound to make someone out there smile.

Amber and Jeff go to my husband's grandpa's church, and I met them though the youth ministry there. Seriously? They are hands down the most gentle people I know in real life. They were married young and will be parenting young, just like my husband's grandma and grandpa, and I have such a strong fondness for them. They were meant to be parents, and Amber - holy cow, you are going to be one tender, sweet, adorable mommy come April!

I'll be photographing their little girl when she arrives - Zoe Rose. Such a perfect, perfect name!

Love you kids, tons, and I am sooo excited to meet and cuddle that little bundle!

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