Saturday, January 28, 2012

10 Pounds Down, and a bit of Miss Evey Rose

Thought I'd take a minute to show a couple of things off!

First, I'm down 10 pounds (yay Weight Watchers!) and my hubby got my new studio lights to look boss!

Secondly, if you're wondering what was up with that big hiatus of mine just before winter?

Well, my bitty was born. 8 weeks early! ON 9-10-11! Weighing 3lbs and 3oz ... she's gone from this ...

... toooo ...

I'm a little proud of that girl ... :)

I need to make a big post for her soon, shouldn't I? In the mean time, she is ALL OVER my Facebook, like "whoa" as I recall the kids having once said ...

Oh, what a wonderful weekend.

Dawson Zekiah Kramer | Muncie, IN Family Photographer

I haven't been home since about nine this morning.

Wanna see why?

I hope you're up for the longest post on my blog so far! I just could NOT pick favorites. Could not.

So. From...

If I never photographed another family, I'd absolutely be okay with that...

Thank you, Ryan and Sarah, for letting me in and inviting me to photograph your lives. You are some of the most beautiful people I know, and I am blessed a little more every day just for knowing you.

Isn't my daughter's future husband adorable! :)

Sigh. Dawson Zekiah. :)

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

How's Your Year So Far? | Muncie, IN Photography

I posted this on my Facebook about a week ago in my "having my cake and eating in moderation" album! I've been on Weight Watchers for a week and a half now, getting back down to my pre-wedding weight, and it's been awesome! I love this program. I even had my whole plate at P.F. Chang's last week and still lost weight!

I've learned that eating healthy is like spending your money wisely. You wouldn't go shopping every other day and drop $200 on a pair of shoes - that wouldn't be using your finances very wisely and could affect you future really negatively! We should eat the same way. There is no such thing as a "bad" food - and we should totally be allowed to splurge on some cheesecake or enjoy some buttery popcorn at the movies with friends, too. But it isn't wise to eat like that every day. I'm figuring that out finally! The problem will be training my brain to stop craving seconds after dinner every night!

So, I'll be posting my progress in the same outfit once every two to four weeks on Facebook, and probably sharing it on here with you all, too! I'm not in any rush, but I am excited to get back into my old jeans before summer and to be able to dart around all those weddings again without running out of breath. :)

Did ya hear? My Facebook page is up and running!

Like Melissa Glidden Photography on Facebook, and for a limited time you'll be able to receive your album or story book for half-off with your session or wedding!

LIKE us on Facebook!